ESOP Consulting

Pilot Hill Advisors consults extensively with companies facing mature ESOP issues which include repurchase obligation studies, ESOP funding strategies, sustainability analysis, refinancing and second-stage transaction planning.

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As the company's ESOP expert, Pilot Hill advisors assists consults on issues by:

  • Modeling and analyzing future repurchase obligations

  • Developing sustainable funding strategies to normalize long-term contribution levels

  • Analyzing and structuring second-stage ESOP transactions

  • Profiling alternative methods for terminating or unwinding the ESOP

  • Assisting ESOP companies evaluate the impact on their stock price for different acquisition purchase prices and their accretive or dilutive impacts


Let’s Talk

Please contact us if you would like to discuss any of your ESOP questions or learn more about Pilot Hill Advisors' ESOP Consulting Practice.